10 Harley St, London, W1G 9PF, United Kingdom
- Call: 0203 488 2057
To book an appointment with Dr Sunil Arora please select the type of appointment below.
Three types of appointment are available:
Initial 10 minute consultation (free)
1 hour online appointment (£249)
1 hour face to face appointment at The Crest Clinic 10 Harley Street, London (£249)
Alternatively you can call 0203 488 2057 (between 9am and 8pm Monday to Friday) or email [email protected] to request an appointment.
Chronic pain sufferers know this pain doesn’t just go away. It lasts months, if not years, affecting everything from relationships to sleep.
At Crest, we treat every aspect of this condition, using a combined approach of medical and lifestyle therapies to help you better manage your everyday.
To find out more or to make an appointment
Fibromyalgia sufferers know that widespread muscle pain is not all they have to face every day. This chronic condition also causes fatigue, sleep disruption, memory fog and mood disorders.
At Crest, our approach is to look at managing all presenting symptoms through a range of therapies and treatments designed to alleviate pain, in both body and mind.
To find out more or to make an appointment
Arthritis pain often goes hand in hand with ageing. When and how deeply it affects you can vary, but we’re here to help.
At Crest, we’ve developed a number of novel techniques to help the specific pain of arthritis, involving not only injections into particular joints or muscles, but rubs, infusions and therapies to help manage contributing lifestyle factors like diet and sleep.
To find out more or to make an appointment
Migraines and headaches can stop you in your tracks. Whether they last for hours or months, they’re highly intrusive conditions.
At Crest, we can help you manage the pain using novel treatments such as Botox along with medication and therapies designed to help you relax.
To find out more or to make an appointment
Nerve pain is one of the most intrusive pains around. To combat it, we recommend a variety of methods according to your individual symptoms.
Our treatments include medication, infusions or specific procedures in order to help alleviate this painful condition, as well as relaxation and wellness therapies to manage stress and mood.
To find out more or to make an appointmentCancer pain takes many forms. It can be dull or sharp, severe or mild, constant or intermittent.
Luckily at Crest, we specialise in treating all types of Cancer pain with a wide range of methods.
We look at managing symptoms with conventional medications, as well as targeted procedures to block pain and a range of therapies like meditation and massage to provide stress relief.
To find out more or to make an appointment